Suspect In 1987 Bombing That Targeted American Soldiers Leads Migrant Group Demanding Entry Into US

by Peter Hasson


A suspect in a 1987 bombing that wounded six American soldiers in Honduras is leading a group of migrants demanding entry into the United States.

Alfonso Guerrero Ulloa organized a march of approximately 100 migrants to the U.S. Consulate in Tijuana, Mexico, on Tuesday, The San Diego Union-Tribune reported. Ulloa delivered a letter to the consulate on behalf of the migrants, asking for either entry into the U.S. or a payment of $50,000 per person.

“It may seem like a lot of money to you,” Ulloa told the Union-Tribune. “But it is a small sum compared to everything the United States has stolen from Honduras.”

Ulloa has lived in Mexico since 1987 after fleeing Honduras in the wake of a bombing that wounded six soldiers. Ulloa was suspected of planting a bomb in a Chinese restaurant, but received asylum from Mexico, whose government described the suspected terrorist as a “freedom fighter.”

An appropriations bill passed by Congress in December 1987 included Congress’s findings that “the bomb was directed at American soldiers and did in fact wound American soldiers and an American contractor.” The report noted that Ulloa was a suspect in the bombing.

Ulloa has posted on Facebook* about his role in organizing the migrants in Mexico, which he is open about, and the accusations against him from 1987, which he denies.

Ulloa posted a video on Tuesday of the migrants marching to the consulate. He described the group as a “caravan” of Honduran migrants.

Ulloa posted a lengthy diatribe about the 1987 bombing to Facebook in June 2017.

In the post, Ulloa again denied any role in the bombing, though he admitted to being a member of Popular Revolutionary Forces-Lorenzo Zelaya — a now-defunct left-wing group whose members claimed responsibility in 1982 for hijacking a plane and taking hostages, including eight Americans.

report published by the U.S. government in April 1990 described the group as one of several “leftist guerrilla groups [in Honduras] that have resorted to terrorist tactics in the past.”

Ulloa also railed against the presence of American military members in Honduras and called on “gringo trash” to leave the country.

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Peter Hasson is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Hasson on Twitter @PeterJHasson.
Photo “Alfonso Guerrero Ulloa” by Alfonso Guerrero Ulloa.

* Here is Facebook’s English translation of Ulloa’s post:

My name is Alfonso Guerrero Ulloa I am from La Libertad, Comayagua, Honduras, exiled politician for 30 years, falsely accused of terrorism by the government of my country and by the US government.

Until today neither of the two governments has said sorry even when Jorge Arturo Reina Idiaquez accused of being the mastermind of the bombing in the China Palace where the rear ended with 6 US Marines, Reina has been part of the government. 

Against his being vidor there is still a lawsuit for terrorism against me in the USA. 

I am a Teacher of Graduate Profession in the ENVCA today Normal School Central America , same that I have not developed by my character of exteanjero and also exiled; with studies in History and social anthropology at the National School of Anthropology and History of Mexico City. 

Author of the lyrics and music of the hymn to Pompilio Ortega and the La Libertad School in La Libertad, Comayagua
Graduated from the Silva Method of Mental Control, with studies in creativity at the Mexican Academy of Creativity.
Creator of more than 10 inventions of which subsisto economically.

The NYT Journal of the USA has described me as a man “FIGHTER FOR THE FREEDOM OF HONDURAS” I have considered myself as a social fighter, our struggle was always public. 

I was an active member of the Student Movement Progressive
President of the Central Council of students of the ENVCA 1985-1986
Vice President of the FESE 1986. 

I was a member of the RPF Lorenzo Zelaya, where he joined a cell with Fredy Nolazco and Juan Angel Caballero, the cell coordinated the political-ideological formation of workers, peasants, students and teachers leaders.

I want to emphasize at that time we did not have weapons, although we did not rule out the armed struggle, we never took a weapon because of the accusations against Fredy and Chito that they were guerrillas at the time they were murdered cowardly by the Honduran police. For my way of seeing things these compas simply planted weapons. We were revolutionaries but not guerrillas, because we did not have weapons, I repeat. I am part of Honduras: Goteras project.

At the moment of being taken as a scapegoat for that terrorist attack according to the media, those who magnified a firecracker probably sent by 3 16. Directed by the murderer Billy Joya, He was part of a coordination team of a literacy project with more than 1300 peasant literacy groups, so that not only the homeland of my hands, my life itself, the future of my lack of dignity, but that a great part of the Honduran people is punished for an illiterate life.

If the gringo bases did not exist in Honduras, their server would not be exiled and our homeland would have another destination. Possibly we would not have more than 187 disappeared only in the 80s and the extrajudicial executions of our best comrades would not have occurred. From the gringo military base in Palmerola hang the same green berets that trained the members of the squadron 3 16 in anti-subversive techniques criminalizing the social fighters.

The gringo bases are our misfortune.

P .D. coordinate the only antigringa student demonstration in Comayagua on March 26 or 27, 1986 if I do not remember. That march was suppressed by the ninth infantry battalion based in El Taladro. 

I was detained, held incommunicado and tortured in February 1986. 

That same year I had an attempted death attempt inside the ENVCA at nightfall. That day I was warned that the students had arrested an unknown person to have him in front of him to remove a 9 mm weapon that he carried in his belt and credentials of the G 2 YC 2 of the FFAA took the act Mariano Lagos Donaire lawyer .

HLVS. we will not give up, we will not vederemos our principles the price of our struggle is the freedom of Honduras.

Gringos garbage, outside of Honduras.

A question: where are they and what do Human Rights serve? Even when millions of our budget is spent on them.

With this publication I am looking for people to know what the tariff means are silent. 

That the government guarantees us a return with dignity, an indemnization that allows me to relocate to the country, that the US inform me of the suspension of the lawsuit against me, that my right to life be respected, that my right to work be respected with the communities, that my right to leave and enter the country be respected and participate politically in a peaceful way in the country.

I am the voice of Fredy Nolazco, Juan Angel Caballero, Hilda Rosa, Roberto Ortiz murdered cowardly by the dictatorship supported by the Yankee base. 

I am the voice of the thousands of children who die of hunger. 

I am the voice of the thousands of compatriots who do not know how to read and write. Of the homeless, of the barefoot, of those who today do not even have a piece of bread.










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5 Thoughts to “Suspect In 1987 Bombing That Targeted American Soldiers Leads Migrant Group Demanding Entry Into US”

  1. JR

    They all hate America and Americans, why would we let them in? Why do tbey want in? That ones easy to answer, FREEBIES from the gringos!

  2. Elinore

    With his hatred of “gringos” as he calls us, letting him into the USA? Not hardly!! “DUH ” to anyone who would even consider this scumbag as a ‘refugee’ or someone needing asylum!!

  3. Robert Baggett

    Would be nice if someone gave him .223 to hold between his ears
